Vartan's Views - May 1, 2018

My thoughts on the Council Meeting 5/1/18

1. May is Drowning Prevention and Water Safety Month. One of my first jobs in Summit was teaching swim lessons, I was a lifeguard and taught the training class for more than 7 years. Water safety is no joke and lifeguards are not babysitters!

2. GREAT JOB to Council for canceling the RIDICULOUS "decorative paver" project on Beechwood Road! There are so many better ways to spend tax dollars.

3. Council is becoming more inclusive and proactive. The next Council on the Road listening session is June 13th at the First Aid Squad. I'll be there and you should too! I hope all current Council members attend.

What do you think? Comment below with your thoughts!

May 1, 2018 council meeting summary (TAPinto Summit)

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